Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
PREG-EQUAL – Pregnancy in Women with Disability: The Right to Information, Knowledge and Quality on Prevention and Accompaniment
AGREEMENT NUMBER –2018-1-PT01-KA202-047358
- Project duration:
24 months (05th of November 2018 – 04th of November 2020)
- Partners:
- Applicant: CDF - Centro de Direito da Familia – , Coimbra, Portugal
- APCC, Associacao de Paralisia Cerebral Decoimbra IPSS- – Coimbra, Portugal
- Associazione C’ENTRO – -Italy
- Fundatia Estuar- – Bucarest, RO
- INFAD – Asociacion de psicologia evolutiva y educativa de la infancia y adolescencia – – Badajoz, Spagna
- The context:
The reproductive health linked to maternity is a worldwide priority and a right recognized by OMS, Unesco, Unicef and the national Health Plans of the partner countries. For numerous women with disability, the access to information regarding this subject proves to be more problematic. Often, the negative experiences refer to the emotional support and to the accompaniment towards a correct comprehension of the available information.
The Preg-Equal Project, through the different training and sensitization pathways that it will perform, addresses the fundamental right of the women with disability to constitute their own family and their right to make conscious choices on sexual, reproductive and maternal issues. In some of the partner countries, an open debate on this subject still encounters numerous cultural barriers.
- Objectives:
- Through specific training programmes, improve the knowledge and the self-awareness women with disability and their families have on reproductive choices, sexual health, voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP) and maternal health
- Through specific training programmes, improve the psychological and emotional support and the quality of the information for women with disability, promoting empowerment actions towards their families and their husbands/partners
- Improve the access and the quality of the health services for women with disability through specific training addressing pre-natal and maternal health professionals
- Through institutional partnerships, conduct a qualitative and quantitative research in each partner country on the access and the quality of prenatal and maternity services for women with disability
- Attended results
- Access for the women with disability and their families to quality information regarding sexual, prenatal and maternal health, through training and creation of trustful relationships with the health professionals involved
- Active partnerships with public and private institutions for the dissemination of informative and formative high quality materials regarding education to sexual health – avoiding the discrimination towards the persons with disability
- Creation of a community of practice between the project partners and their networks in order to continue, through innovative local/national/European planning, the track opened with the Preg-Equal activities
- Intellectual Products
IO1 Women with Disability and Empowerment on Reproductive Choices and Maternity – training program
IO2 Families and the Importance to Support Reproductive Choices and Maternity of Women with Disability – training program
IO3 Health Professionals and Women with Disability – The Right to Information, Knowledge and Quality Services – training program
IO4 Preg-Equal: Women with Disability – The Right to Information, Knowledge and Quality on Prevention and Accompaniment in Pregnancy – research and dissemination
- Teaching/Learning Activity for Women with Disability, Family and Health Technicians: December 2019, Portugal
Training Course on “Prenatal care and Maternal care, Reproductive Choices and Fundamental rights”